Are you ready to learn an accurate way to price products for your handmade business? Stop guesstimating

what you should charge! It's time you had a

system that helps you




The Crafty Profit Projector

Streamline the pricing process for your craft business to maximize profits.

TIRED of not making enough money on your products?

I know I was! I would get so excited about someone asking to buy something yet when they asked how much it cost I didn't even know what to say. Once it was all said and done I would end up breaking even or in some cases losing money. It was horrible.

ANNOYED with the time it takes to price your products?

Yep, been there! Whenever I decided to add a new product to the shop I would have to go through a long list of costs. It always took so long to figure it all out and I wouldn't end up making much money.

FRUSTRATED because your pricing strategy is not accurate?

I can definitely relate! I tried to have a set price for all my products but in the end my profits would fluctuate because I didn't have a system in place.

It doesn't have to be that way! Get

The Crafty Profit Projector

so you have a system in place that streamlines your pricing process and gives you the highest profit margin.

The Crafty Profit Projector is the Complete System to help streamline your pricing strategy by giving you the tools needed to research, perform cost analysis and price your products.



Here's what you'll get:

  • PROFIT MARGIN SHEET is the main sheet of the product that allows you to keep track of all your products and costs in one place so you can quickly manipulate numbers and calculate profit margin.
  • MATERIAL COST SHEET is divided into two tables for items that you need to measure by the sq. inch (ex. vinyl, acrylic sheets) and items that are measured by the unit (ex. cardstock, buttons).
  • BLANK PRODUCT COST SHEET has space to enter all your blanks and it automatically calculates the cost of each item
  • PACKAGING COST SHEET automatically calculates the cost of all your packaging when you enter some basic information. It's also divided into two tables for items measured by the sq. inch (ex. butcher paper, wrapping paper)) and items measured by the unit (ex. boxes, tissue paper).
  • MERCHANT FEES SHEET allows you to enter the processing fees from major payment vendors. It automatically imports those fees into the profit margin sheet.
  • LABOR COST SHEET allows you to enter how much time it takes to make a project with your hourly wage and automatically calculates your total.

Imagine if...

you had a tool where you could easily input all the information necessary to make your products and it did all the calculations for you to get the actual cost and highest profit margin.

The Crafty Profit Projector

allows you to:

  • Save time when trying to figure out what it costs to make your products.
  • Feel more confident when pricing your products because you know what you need to charge to be profitable.
  • Stop guessing how much money you will be make because you'll know your profit margin for each product.
  • Have peace of mind because your pricing process will run more smoothly.

Check out the video below to see why you'll love

The Crafty Profit Projector

How can The Crafty Profit Projector help you streamline your pricing process?

Let's take a closer look at what's included & how The Crafty Profit Projector is going to help you accurately and confidently price your products:


Calculating the cost of your blanks is an important component of getting an accurate cost.

The BLANKS tab features:

  • Many rows to accommodate all your blanks
  • Columns already labeled so all you have to do is input information
  • Preinstalled formulas that are locked to calculate the cost of the blanks


Remembering to put all the materials needed to make your product is also an important part of the total cost.

The MATERIALS tab features:

  • Sections divided into two parts to accommodate all types of materials.
  • Built in formulas so you don't have to have any special math skills to calculate the totals.
  • Easy to edit the cells for entering information.


In a perfect world everything would ship in the same sized container so you would only need one type of box. Unfortunately that's not the case.

The PACKAGING tab features:

  • A section to enter all your shipping supplies in one place.
  • Divided sections to accommodate all types of supplies
  • An easy way to enter data and figure out exactly how much it costs to get an item to your customer.


There are so many ways to sell your items and a lot of them charge a precessing fee.

The MERCHANTS tab features:

  • A place to list all the merchants you use to sell products
  • A place to keep all the fees associated with these vendors at hand
  • An easy way to enter new fees if the merchant has a change in the future.


You don't want to forget to pay yourself, so calculating how much time you spend making a product is important.

The LABOR tab features:

  • An easy way to keep track of all the time you put into each project.
  • An accurate way to keep track of how much you pay yourself.
  • A way to quickly add employees that have different hourly rates.

Get the The Crafty Profit Projector

now so you can quickly and confidently price your products.




Everyone loves some BONUSES!

It gets even better! When you purchase The Crafty Profit Projector you'll also get exclusive access to some AMAZING bonuses!

AWESOME BONUS #1 ($25 Value)

Keep all the important pricing information together using the resource binder and template.

Features & benefits of this bonus offer:

  • Create your own binder with cover sheet, page dividers and templates
  • Fill in all the information pertinent to your business
  • Easily access all the information because it's all in one place.

AWESOME BONUS #2 ($50 Value)

Office hours in the Private Facebook group.

Features & benefits of this bonus offer:

  • You can ask questions that arise during the week and get answers directly from Courtney.
  • There is no set time in order to accommodate multiple schedules.
  • You get support when you need it.

Total value: $175
Today's price: $65




Take a peek inside the

The Crafty Profit Projector!

You'll love all the features of this product. Check out the video below to see a little more detail of how it works.

With all the cost information at your fingertips you'll have no problem accurately pricing your products!

  • Finally stop stressing out about if the price you're charging is fair and going to make you money
  • Get EXCITED about your business because you know you are accurately pricing your products which means your business will be successful.
  • Regain your freedom and have more time to craft! Pricing your products will no longer eat up your precious crafting time. With this pricing system, you only need to do work up front to enter all the information and The Crafty Profit Projector will do all the heavy lifting for you. (And all the BUSINESS OWNERS said AMEN!)

What are you waiting for you Crafty Business Owner?!
This profit projector is waiting for you to dive in and get going!



I've been where you are so I get it!

I'm the face behind The Crafty Brick. I have been an ENTREPRENEUR and have run my own business in different fields for over 15 YEARS. I STARTED THE CRAFTY BRICK in 2019 and that was my first time being in the retail market.

I had a HARD TIME figuring out what the best PRICE for my PRODUCTS should be. In the beginning I ended up LOSING more MONEY than I was making and knew I NEEDED HELP.

That's how the THE PROFIT PROJECTOR was created. I knew there had to be a better, more efficient way to gather all the information I needed to price my products. I consulted with my husband who is a finance professional and he helped me fine tune my vision. From that day I have used this system religiously whenever I add a new product to my store and it has helped me so much.

INITIALLY I just CREATED it for MYSELF but I kept hearing from other SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS that wanted to KNOW MORE about it. I cleaned it up and made it easy for anyone to enter his/her own data. I really hope you find it helpful!

The Profit Projector solved my pricing problems and it can be the solution for yours as well!

Let's take a closer look at the features of this tool that help save you time.

With this comprehensive tool, you'll be able to achieve your goals faster!

Here's what you'll love about this product:

  • Step-by-step video that teaches you how to use the spreadsheet and enter your data.
  • My secret sauce strategy to help you remember all the things that need to go into the price of your product.
  • The members-only Facebook community to get support from other small business owners.
  • Office hours in the FB group where you have a chance to talk to me.
  • The easy method to choose the perfect price for your product that will have the highest profit margin.

You'll Love the The Crafty Profit Projector because...


I know it's overwhelming to get all the information needed to price your products. The sheets are set up to make it easy for you to enter all the information that pertains to your business.


I will walk you through how to get set up and use the system. The good thing is it can be as simple or as detailed as you want. You're in control of how you use the data.


The free resource binder is the perfect companion to the spreadsheet. All the information you gather from the worksheets can be easily entered into the cells.


Being an entrepreneur can be overwhelming and lonely. With the private Facebook group you will have a place to share and receive ideas in a positive place for small business feedback.

Who is this product is for?

You'll LOVE this if:

  • You need help pricing your products
  • You hate losing money on sales
  • You want an easy system that does all the hard math for you

This ISN'T for you if:

  • You refuse to work with spreadsheets
  • You are happy with your sales the way they are
  • You already have a pricing strategy that works well for you.

Price Goes Up In...



I'm not good at spreadsheets. Is that a problem.

Not at all. A basic understanding of spreadsheets will make it a little faster to get started but it's not necessary. All the cells already have the formulas necessary to perform the calculations and they are protected so you won't accidentally delete anything thats essential.

How long will it take to use the system?

The research process is the the most time consuming part of the process in this tool. It's really up to you and how much detail you wish to included in your analysis. The program is intended to give you the most accurate detail about the costs for your projects. When you have all the information it's very fast to enter and manipulate the data.

How will I get the product after I purchase?

You will receive an email that has a PDF attached. The PDF file contains:

-A link to a google spreadsheet

-A link to a Google Drive folder that has an instructional video explaining how to use the system, an Excel file and all the templates for the Resource Binder.

What all comes with the purchase?

-The Profit Projector spreadsheet with all the essential tabs and prefilled formulas. -Resource binder that will be used to do the research and gather all the information to fill the spreadsheets

-Access to a private Facebook group

-Ability to attend office hours in the Facebook group

Do you offer refunds?

Since this product is a digital download and all the items are yours right after purchase I will not be able to offer any refunds. If you have a problem please reach out to me at

Our customers love The Crafty Profit Projector!

Grab this offer and start

MAXIMIZING your profits!

One more time, here's EVERYTHING you get when you purchase The Crafty Profit Projector!

  • Instruction Video with step by step instructions
  • Resource Binder Templates
  • Profit Margin Spread Sheet (either Google Sheet OR Excel)
  • Access to members-only Facebook group
  • *BONUS * Weekly office Hours in the FB Group

Total value: $175
Today's price: $65

Price Goes Up In...
